Quickstart: Run a container
- Access to LND (macaroon, certificate, network access to REST endpoint)
Create a script as follows and adjust the variables at the top:
# The private key of your Nostrovia client, in nsec or legacy hex format
# If not set, a new random one is generated on every start
# Edit the following three fields with your LND details
export NOSTR_SDK_LND_REST_API_URL=https://umbrel.local:8080
export NOSTR_SDK_LND_MACAROON_PATH=/path/to/admin.macaroon
export NOSTR_SDK_LND_CERT_PATH=/path/to/tls.cert
# The hostname of the machine that hosts your LND
export LND_HOSTNAME=umbrel.local
# The IP of the machine hosting your LND
export LND_IP=
mkdir db
podman run --interactive --rm \
--tty \
--env-host \
--publish 8000:8000 \
--volume ./db:/db:rw \
--add-host $LND_HOSTNAME:$LND_IP \
oak-node.net/nostrovia:latest /nostr_sdk_rest_api
Once you start the script, Nostrovia will do an initial sync. Once that finishes, the app is reachable at http://localhost:8000
You can stop it with Ctrl+C.
Known issues
- This is only tested on Linux and using podman. Running the container with docker, or on other OS might not work.
- On first start, it will do a full sync of all known events from a relay. The app is not usable until this finishes, which can be up to 4-5 mins.